Saturday, November 10, 2012

Guided Reading / Stratégies de lecture

Here are the small guided reading posters I created last year and have to re-print (I must have put them somewhere logical !!?).  I limit myself to only putting one up at a time on the Literacy Board.  Forces me to teach or re-teach the specific strategy on each poster with each reading group.

Can't figure out how to attach a Word document to this blog so here's the link: 

 Grade 1 Guided Reading Strategies

October in the rearview mirror...

Yikes! All of a sudden there was so much to do!!

Have been using the WBT calls. My favourite teaching strategy is "Enseigne" / "D'accord!". The children love spinning around and teaching each other. Need to do more "Dix doigts hourrah!"

Here are a few photos of my classroom from Curriculum night to Halloween:

My students are just finishing their "La petite poule rouge" puppet shows and are now working on the expanded scaffolded cahiers. 
Remembrance Day memorials were moving. 
Another season is just around the corner!