Have finally created a blog to help me improve and expand my teaching practice.
Am currently fretting about what the règlements would work best for my grade one French Immersion class. I want to operate under three constraints as outlined below. I'd love to have input from others!
Class Rules - Considerations:
A. AIM Language use of the 3rd person single
voice – “tout le monde”... Then have all rules and instructions in the 2nd
person singular?
B. TRIBES school: Translated
and used the 4 Tribes’ agreements last year as follows:
- Écouter attentivement
- Respecter: toi même, les autres, les objets
- Apprécier / Pas de commentaires négatifs
- Partager / Passer ton tour.
C. Whole Brain Rules: Am wondering about rule #3: Raise your
hand for permission to leave your seat. If I am in the middle of a lesson, my students
do hold up three fingers for permission to go to the washroom, I just nod. They
do, however, silently get up and fetch Kleenex and sharp pencils without
raising their hands and disturbing or interrupting the class.
D. Want a limited
number of rules that are easily
understood and for which grade one students can be held responsible.
Discussion Draft:
Les règlements de ma classe
1. Écoute attentivement.
2. Suis les instructions tout de suite.
3. Respecte toi même, tes camarades, et les objets de la
I’d want to explain / subset: 1) garde
tes mains et tes pieds pour toi)
pas de commentaires négatifs
4. Lève ta main pour parler.
5. Rends ta chère enseignante heureuse. :-)